
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Things I do at home

Hi what do you do while your stuck at home?


  1. Hello Lily.I hope that theses people are in your bubble,or is this what you do when we aren't in lock down?.
    I haven't played monopoly in YEARS!.I don't know if I'd remember how to play it now.Maybe you could retrain me when we all get back to normal.
    When I am stuck at home,I like to let PoPcorn out,but he's been very grumpy over the past 5 weeks.So now,I play Candy Crush and read books.
    What are you going to do today?.

    1. These are the people I live with.When we go back to school I will teach you how to play monopoly.Today I went for a walk on my Blue bike.For lunch I had my favourite cheese toasties and orange juice.

  2. Cheese toasties with orange juice..YUM!.Did you make them yourself?.I like putting bacon and onions in mine.

  3. Hi Lily,
    Sounds like you are doing great things in your bubble. What else are you doing to keep busy?

  4. Lily! I've missed you! Glad to see you have written on your blog! Sounds like you have kept yourself busy during lockdown in your bubble. Where did you go for a walk? It would be great if you could join us for our Google Hangout at 10.30am each weekday morning. Have a look at your emails from me and I have included one with a video about how to get onto it. Looking forward to seeing you soon and I will keep an eye out for any home learning that you complete.

  5. Hi Lily. So nice to hear from you about what you have been doing. I am back at school now but when I was at home I was walking my dog Poppy often and I went on a lot of bike rides.

  6. Hello Lily.I was just checking your blog to see if you had added any work that you might have completed.
    Have a good week and I will check your blog again soon.

  7. Hello Lily.
    I would love to see more of the learning that you have been doing at home.I will check again soon.Have a great week.

  8. Hello Lily.
    I was just checking to see if there was any new learning added recently.I know the teacher's have set up some great tasks and that they will take you a while to complete.I will check again soon.Thanks for posting the learning you have posted so far.

  9. Hello Lily its Moira iv'e been looking on your blog site to see what you've been doing and you can ask me any questions about my blog to, i wanted to ask have to you been commenting on other peoples blog? I have so take care and have a great week.

  10. Hello Lily.
    I am checking all the blogs in room 11 tonight so I am leaving a comment to let you know that I have looked at your blog.Have a great week.

  11. hi lily it sounds like you have a lot of things to do at home can do some more posts.
