
Friday, July 3, 2020

Wasp model

Hello readers, In reading today I have been making a wasp model. Are task was to make a roll model of a wasp. I had a buddy to help me make are wasp. We made it out of clay.This is my link to my reading groups page. My buddies name is Rableen. 


  1. I saw some amazing wasp models in class Lily.I don't know if I saw your one.Maybe you could take a photo of it and include it with this blog.
    What are 2 facts you have learnt about wasps?.
    Have a great holiday.🐄

    1. Me and Rableen's wasp was the last one at the very bottom.

  2. What a great idea making the photos into a screencastify! I loved how you explained how you made your wasps. Next time do you think you could explain what you have learnt about bees and wasps and some more information about what you needed to think about when making your model? The models are super cute aren't they!

    1. Thank you for the advice Mrs Mclachlan
