
Friday, July 9, 2021

Paper Machie

Good Morning, Today I will be telling you about my paper Machie. me and my buddy made a Kakariki. A Kakariki's English name is a Parakeet. This took me and my buddy around two weeks. Here is our photo. I hope you like it. 

This is my kakariki.

This is a Real Kakriki



  1. WOW Lily,the resemblance is AMAZING!You have done a fantastic job at getting the details the same as the original.
    WELL DONE....

    What part of New Zealand would I find these birds?.

    I would love to attract them to my garden if they lived in Christchurch.

  2. Hello Lily.
    Not long to go before school starts back...
    I hope you are having lots of fun with your family and friends.

  3. Hello Lily.
    I hope you are having a great first week.
    I can't wait to see what you have been learning in class.

  4. Kia Orana Lily.
    I am just leaving a comment to let you know that I have had a browse at your blog tonight.

  5. hello lily i like your blog it looks so good have a good day

  6. Hello Lily.
    I am just leaving a comment to let you know that I have had a browse at your blog tonight

  7. Hi Lily,
    I like your paper mache Kakariki I give it a 10 out of 10. Who was you buddy? Maybe next time you could get a picture from each side. Bye have a great week. -Leo
