
Friday, April 9, 2021


Hello readers, Today I will be telling you about my Easter weekend. 

On Friday me and my cousins did an Easter egg hunt inside our house. We were going to do it outside but we couldn't because it was raining. I found 15 eggs. My cousin Lilly found 17 and my cousin Hana found 6. On Saturday it was my aunt's birthday. We didn't do anything for her birthday. On Easter Sunday It was my cousin Hana's birthday. We went to church. When church finished we had some lunch. Then we had cake and ice cream. After we ate Hana opened presents. After we opened the presents we went swimming at the Waimakariri River.


  1. Hello Lilly

    I love the start of the story is amazing. But the thing that you need to work on is paragraphs.

  2. hi Lily I like how you told us about your Easter weekend. next time could you tell us how you felt. Is the picture of eggs on your post the ones you got?

  3. hi Lily I thank you doing so good on your blog you are so smart you must be so so lucky cos you're so smart
