
Friday, April 9, 2021

Dog Smart.

 Hello readers today I will be telling you about dog smart. This dog came to our school. His name was Jack. His owner  (I forgot his name sorry)  he talked us through dog safety here are some photos

Here is a photo of one of my classmate petting Jack. I kind of forgot what happened. Bye.   

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Lily.
    It's nice that people come to our school and explain how to act around certain animals.Some children might not have a dog at home and are unsure as to how to approach them.
    What I find annoying is when people,especially adults,don't ask if they can pat my dog when we are out walking him.

    Do you have any pets at home?.
    We also have 3 birds and Sam has a ginger cat named Nuts.
