Good Morning readers, today I have been doing a summer learning journey activity. On the summer learning journey there are new activities every week. Today I did the Art Colouring book. In the Art Colouring book there are different things that you can colour. I coloured space. It was really easy to do. When I was doing it, It only took me 3 minutes. Here is the photo of space. Here is the link to the Art Colouring Book.
I am a student in the Uru Mānuka Cluster. I am a Year 4 student and my teacher is Mrs Mclachlan. This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first drafts. Remember to be positive, thoughtful and helpful when you leave me a comment.
Monday, December 13, 2021
Friday, December 10, 2021
Tabloid Sports
Hi everyone, Yesterday was tabloid sports. We did paper scissors rock, over and under, race through the bouncy castle, bean bag tic tac toe, sack race and how could fill there bucket up the most. I had a lot of fun. My favourite one was the race through the bouncy castle. Yesterday afternoon we had picked something that we wanted to do, I picked the bouncy castle.
Friday, December 3, 2021
EOTC week
Hey readers. Last week we started EOTC. We went to Adrenalin forest and Spencer park, We also went to Mega air, Stoked surf school, Phat Sk8 roller skating, We also did a Top Team Competition. We also went to Margret Mahy. My favourite thing was the Phat Sk8 roller skating. It was really fun. Here is a photo of me
Friday, November 5, 2021
Athletics Finals
Hey guys, Today I will be talking to you about Athletics. On Wednesday we had Athletics Finals. We competed in Long jump, High jump, Shot put, Discus, Sprints and Distance running. For distance running we did 1000 metres. My favourite ones are High Jump and Long jump. Here is a photo of me doing high jump.
Friday, October 22, 2021
Swimming term 4
Friday, October 1, 2021
Good afternoon readers today I will be showing you my writing. I have been writing about if we should open our borders to visitors. Then I had to pick between Positive or Negative. The topic we were given was that New Zealand should open their borders. I picked Negative, here is my writing. I hope you like it.
I think New Zealand should keep its borders shut to all visitors around the world who want to visit New Zealand. There are many reasons. One reason is more covid might come in and spread. Secondly, more people might come to New Zealand and it will become overcrowded. Lastly if more people come into New Zealand, they might bring covid 19 with them and we might go back into lockdown for a long time.
If people with covid 19 come into New Zealand they might spread the virus. When we have more people with the virus come into New Zealand they will be spending a lot of money to get tested. If more people come into New Zealand to visit, covid will spread around the country.
When people come into New Zealand it will become overcrowded. We do not want people from different countries to come to New Zealand because all the shops will be overcrowded and there will be a long line. If more people come into New Zealand, everyone who wants to go shopping for their families will have to wait a long time to get into the shop and then they will become very frustrated.
When people with coid come into New Zealand we will have to be in lockdown for a very long time. We do not want to be in lockdown because we might not be able to go shopping for food and things we need for our house. If we go into lockdown it means we will not be able to go to school to learn.
I think New Zealand should keep their borders closed because we do not want people to come and spread covid around, we do not want more lock downs. If New Zealand opens its borders then New Zealand will become overcrowded. So I think New Zealand should keep its borders closed.
What is your opinion on this topic?
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Adjective word cloud
Hello readers, today I will be talking to you guys about adjectives. In class for reading my group have been working on a word cloud about adjectives. We have been reading a book called 'The Everything Anything Shop'. We had to find some adjectives in 'The Everything Anything Shop' and put them into a word cloud. Then we picked some colours for the word cloud. After we picked the colours we picked a shape, I picked a fire shape. Here is a photo of my word cloud. I hope you like it.
Road Safety Poster
Good Morning readers, in class my reading group have been reading books about road safety. Some of the books that we have been reading are Slow Down, Bike Day and Who Killed Cock Robin. My favourite one had to be Who Killed Cock Robin. I like it because it was a play and it was the only play that we had read about road safety. I have made a poster about road safety. I hope you like it.
Friday, September 24, 2021
Good afternoon readers. Today I will be telling you about Athletics.
Today all the year five girls will be doing High Jump, Sprints and Shot Put. I don't like High Jump because you have to run and jump up and try to get over the bar. I don't like it because it is really hard when the teacher puts it up higher it gets harder.
I really like Sprints because some times you get to verse the teacher. You can also verse anyone you want to if they want to verse you. I really like versing the teacher.
Shot Put is really fun. I like collecting the balls and giving them to people after I have had a turn throwing the ball.
I hope you are having a good day, Bye.
Friday, September 17, 2021
Reflection/Rotation/Translation and Symmetry
Friday, August 13, 2021
Whakataka te hau
Kia Ora Readers, Today I will be telling you about our class karakia. It called whakataka te hau. Here is a picture of the Karakia.
Kia Ora Readers,Today I will be telling you about my class' WhakataukĪ. Each week we have a new one that gives a message to live by.
Here is this week's one in Māori.
Me mahi tahi tātou
Mo te oranga o te katoa.
Now here it is in English.
We should work together for the well-being of everyone.
I hope you like it and can work well with others to make the world a better place.
Grandparents day cloze activity
Kia Ora Readers, Today I will be telling you about my cloze. If you are wondering what a cloze is, It is a story. My teacher Crosses out some words and then she puts all the words that she crossed out on a list and then she tells us to figure out where the words go in each box.The cloze that we had this week was called Grandparents Day. Here is a Picture of my cloze.
Friday, July 9, 2021
Paper Machie
Good Morning, Today I will be telling you about my paper Machie. me and my buddy made a Kakariki. A Kakariki's English name is a Parakeet. This took me and my buddy around two weeks. Here is our photo. I hope you like it.
This is my kakariki.
This is a Real KakrikiFriday, July 2, 2021
Library Book
Friday, June 25, 2021
Today I will be talking about the Warriors who came to our school yesterday. Three warriors came to visit. One said he was a bus driver. They came all the way from Auckland. They asked us some questions and we had to answer. If we got it correct we got a prize. I won a warriors drink bottle.
Here is a photo.
Friday, June 18, 2021
Waterpark writing
Today I will be telling you about my waterpark writing. Here is how you write a present tense story.
1. Make sure it is present tense.
2. Use your 5 senses ( feel, taste, hear, see and smell)
3. Make sure you do paragraphs.
4. Do at least 4 or 3 sentences in each paragraphs.
Here is my story.
I hope you like it.
The squealing sounds of excited children fill the air. Ahhhhh the sound of children screaming as they are flying down the slide, my ears start to hurt.
Different smell of food whoop through the air and up my nose. Powerful smells make my stomach rumble.
Kids splashing in the water get me soaking wet. Pool water making waves, caused by kids jumping off the diving boards.
The cold breeze went into my mouth and made my teeth freeze. Chlorine whoop through the air and into my mouth, it tasted like sea salt from the ocean.
Friday, June 11, 2021
Winter Sports
Hello readers, Today I will be talking about Winter Sports. Every Friday we play winter sports. There Are eight teams. Football has three teams, Netball has three teams, Hockey has one team and Rugby has one team. I play Netball. The three Netball names are Pulse, Tactix and Magic. My team name is Magic. We have ten players. We play our Netball game's at the Hornby High School. Football, Hockey and Rugby play at Denton Park or the High School.
Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday, May 21, 2021
Mac and cheese
Hello readers today I will be telling you about my favourite food. My favourite food is mac and cheese here is a small picture. But before I give you the picture I want to tell you about it. If you eat mac and cheese you will love it. The reason I like it is because it has cheese in it. Here is the picture. Please comment if you want to. Bye.
Friday, May 14, 2021
Life ED with Harold
Hey everyone a few days ago Harold the giraffe can to our school. We learned about different parts of our body. We played games and had so much fun. Now lets get into this blog post.
When we got to the van the lady told us about what we had to do. When we got in we had to wipe our feet and then sit down in a row of 3 or 4. After a couple of minutes we played a game. Its hard to explain so I will not explain it. After the winner got to get their brain scanned. Then we learned about the human brain. Here is a photo. Bye.
how to make an amazing hot chocolate
How to Make a Hot Chocolate
Hot Chocolate Powder
Grab a Cup
Pour the Hot Chocolate into the cup ( Only put two teaspoons of powder in the cup.)
Boil the jug with hot water.
Pour the water from the jug into the cup to fill it half way.
Pour the milk in the cup until it is nearly full
Put two tablespoons of Sugar.
Stir your drink.
Put 3 marshmallows in the hot chocolate.
Enjoy your Hot Chocolate.
Friday, May 7, 2021
Welcome back to my Blog. I am back at school. The holidays have finished :(.
I went to Time Zone with my cousins. We played Heaps of games. I won heaps of tickets for me and my dad.
After we went to KFC. We had so much food.
When we went home I went to bed. \
The next Day we went to Hagley park for a walk. After we went to Big Gary's.
Friday, April 16, 2021
Cross Country And Shared Lunch
Hi there lovely bloggers, Today I will be telling you about cross country and shared lunch that happened yesterday. At 10:00 we went had our morning tea. Then at 10:30 we went to the court and lined up with our class getting ready to head over to Kyle Park for cross country.
The year six's went first. They ran 2 laps of Kyle Park. Then the year Three's ran after the year six's. The year six's went first because all the pal's leaders (Physical Activity Leaders) and trusted trekkers had bibs on to run with the little kids. Some pal leaders and trusted trekkers were taking over teacher aide's so they could go set up Shared lunch. After all of the juniors had ran the year fives ran 2 laps. Then just as I was about to finish the year four's started running. After everyone had finished running we all went back to school to our class's. Then we went to have some yummy lunch. Bye I hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment. :)
Friday, April 9, 2021
Hello readers, Today I will be telling you about my Easter weekend.
On Friday me and my cousins did an Easter egg hunt inside our house. We were going to do it outside but we couldn't because it was raining. I found 15 eggs. My cousin Lilly found 17 and my cousin Hana found 6. On Saturday it was my aunt's birthday. We didn't do anything for her birthday. On Easter Sunday It was my cousin Hana's birthday. We went to church. When church finished we had some lunch. Then we had cake and ice cream. After we ate Hana opened presents. After we opened the presents we went swimming at the Waimakariri River.
Dog Smart.
Hello readers today I will be telling you about dog smart. This dog came to our school. His name was Jack. His owner (I forgot his name sorry) he talked us through dog safety here are some photos
Here is a photo of one of my classmate petting Jack. I kind of forgot what happened. Bye.Friday, March 26, 2021
Hello Hornby
Hello readers today I will be telling you about hello hornby on Saturday. I went to sing two songs I sang Weller man and what About us. The favourite song that I sang was, What About Us. My friends were there too. When I saw them I ran up to them and hugged them. Then we went behind the stage to go see Mrs Thorp. After we found her we lined up tallest to shortest. Then we went on stage. We sang both songs really good. I hope you enjoy my blog post for today. Bye have a great weekend. :)
Recount The Present
Hello readers, today I will be telling you about my recount called The Present. It is made in paragraphs, I used full stops and capital letters. I made one of these last year with my old teacher. This year my teacher said I can copy and paste it but I had to add paragraphs and turn it into first person by changing the he's and his into I's and my's. Here is my recount I hope you enjoy it.
Pewpewpew. It was a dark afternoon, I was playing video games in a dark gloomy room. Then my mum came with a big mysterious box and said, ”Sorry, I'm late sweetie. I had to pick up something after work. You should let some light inside. It is a beautiful day outside.” Then the telephone rang. Before my mum answered the phone she said, ”Why don't you open up the present that I got you?”
Then I said, “For me.?”
Then I opened the present. I was so excited until I saw that the puppy had only three legs. Then I threw the puppy on the floor. Then I said, ”She's gotta be kidding me.” Then I pushed the box on the floor. Then I got so mad that I went back to playing my video games.
Then the dog saw a red shiny glossy ball under the white shiny cupboard. When the puppy got to the White cupboard he hit his head on the cupboard door. Then he saked his head, puts his head under the cupboard and grabs the ball with his mouth. Then I saw the dog playing with the ball, he started rolling around. When he came up to me, I just said, “Go away.” The dog loves the red ball, he likes to play with it. I think the ball looks like a clown's nose. I like the dog but I do not want the dog to know. So when I look at the dog he smiles and when the dog looks at me I grin then go back to playing my video games.
Then the ball rolled to me and then I said, “Come on let's go play outside. Mum we are going to play outside! Come on let's go.”
I hope you made it through my long writing. :)
Friday, March 12, 2021
Great Buddy Class!
Hi amazing readers, today we did buddy class. Today we played 3 different games. We played duck duck goose, toilet tag and rob the nest. My buddies are Soraya and Milli. The first game me and my buddies played was duck duck goose. It was really fun. All the little kids were choosing little kids. After that we played rob the nest. Then we played toilet tag. Here are some photos from rob the nest.
Friday, March 5, 2021
100 Word count
Hello readers welcome back to my blog, Today I will be telling you about 100 word count. If you don't know what a 100 word count is this blog post will tell you. You must have exactly 100 words you can not have more or less than 100. Here is my one from this week. This week we had to use the words brown, balloon, frightening, kicked and never.
100 word count
One day I was playing with my gold balloon then I let go of it and I never caught it. So I decided to go inside the house. When I went into my room I saw a big brown frightening spider! So I decided to just kick a ball around the house. Then I accidentally kicked the ball at the window and it broke the window. The glass from the window popped the soccer ball. So I just cleaned up all of the broken glass on the floor. Then I went to the park across from the road. The end.
This is exactly 100 words. You should try doing a 100 word count. It is so much fun.
Friday, February 26, 2021
Brilliant Buddy Class
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Welcome back to school😃
Hi bloggers welcome back to my blog, today I will be talking about my new class room. Here is a photo of are class room.
Here is a picture of my class.